2009 Clos Pissarra, La Vinyeta, El Lloar
The name Clos Pissarra is derived from the Catalan word for slate, as this is the soil that covers the regions of Montsant (sacred mountain) and Priorat (priory), that lie about 85 miles southwest of Barcelona.
Priorat has quickly established itself as the premier wine region in Spain, producing wines of great intensity and concentration but yet remaining elegant and balanced. The most highly regarded sites comes from the villages of Bellmunt del Priorat, El Molar, El Lloar, Gratallops and Porrera.
Montsant has found a most comfortable niche, being described as a softer, more approachable version of Priorat, and a great value. The most highly touted sites in the appellation are found in the villages of Falset and Capcanes.
We do not belong to either the Priorat or the Montsant appellation system as we found the current process to join either one cumbersome, bureaucratic and not necessarily conducive to producing fine wine. A number of other high profile producers are now following in our footsteps in this regard. Thus we are neither Montsant or Priorat and instead are simply Clos Pissarra. Each of the vineyard bottlings does name the town where that vineyard lies and the grape varieties that make up the wine.
Clos Pissarra, La Vinyeta (Grenache & Carignan), El Lloar
The Vineyard
La Vinyeta (meaning “The Vineyard” in Catalan) is about the same size as our El Riu vineyard, so about 2.5 acres. It lies in the town of El Lloar in Priorat. This is a classic Priorat “coster” or an extremely steep vineyard that is not terraced and is full of slate with almost no topsoil. The vineyard is planted approximately (as it is a field blend) to 80% Carignan (Samso)and 20% Grenache Garnatxa) vines that are over 125 years old and are not irrigated as is the case with all our vineyards in Priorat and Montsant! Yields are a miserly .4 tons per acre! In this rugged land, a throwback to another century, the vines really get to know the meaning of struggling.
The 2009
This wine reminds me of the fantastic 2007 we produced from this vineyard. Layer upon layer of varying aromatics mated with luscious wild black fruit.
64 cases produced